8 August 2019

Plastic or Bioplastic?

The trend towards the use of bioplastics

Nowadays, using bioplastics to leave behind traditional plastics has turned into a trend among manufacturers and brands. It’s the path to follow?

Most people think that bioplastics can be compared with biodegradable and compostable materials, but that’s not exactly how it works. It’s true that the use of bioplastics can help to relieve the environmental effects of contamination, as it reduces significantly carbon emissions and the amount of water required for its fabrication. However, we have to bear in mind that this is only one positive measure taken to tackle down the huge problem we have with plastics, it’s not the ultimate solution. This will only change the kind of plastics that we see in the oceans, we will see bioplastics instead of plastics derived from fossil fuels. Our natural environment and marine species will continue suffering the consequences of our bad waste management.

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The production of bioplastics

The search for new materials to be used in the production of packaging less harmful for our planet is the path to follow, and a race we must win. But, what effects will have the incorporation of new materials and manufacturing processes used to get materials such as bioplastics? You can see the best drone is very popular in Spain.


As in any production process, first of all it’s necessary to have the prime materials, in this case, the obtain of bioplastics requires sugarcane and other organic similar materials. This implies the necessity of increasing the production of sugarcane. As a result, in order to get fertile lands other collateral damages will appear such as deforestation. Using bioplastics may be in lots of cases a cautelar measure if we use it in a responsible way, but it’s not the solution to stop the potential contamination that our waste has. No doubts about it, we must to be conscient about our consume and to start the change we seek from home, from our shopping. If you’re interested, take a look on article sustainable habits

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