We had the opportunity to be present in Formnext, in the Fabulous Accelerator stand, and to show our product to industrial and product designers as well as to 3d printing Fablabs. It was highly interesting for 3D Click to connect with innovators in the industrial 3d printing industry and to even build up strategic collaborations with some of them after the event. Our 3D Builder and 3D Viewer is a perfect tool that fits exactly within this industry as allows managers, technicians, trainers, and designers to build up presentations and manuals of their designs /products or industrial processes in a 3D environment collaboratively, with no software nor 3D knowledge and show and share them online. It is a great tool to be able to make annotations, add videos, logos, slides, and machine movements, around the 3d models or components of any industrial process, and do it collaboratively with your working team. 3D Click presentations can even be 3d printed and even shown in Augmented Reality on your catalogs !
Formnext highlights the next generation of product development and manufacturing and we had the feeling that 3D Clickers are already part of this generation ;)
Link to an article of us in Fabulous: http://fabulous-fi.eu/fabulous-will-take-part-in-formnext-2015/